Easily Measure Your Bike Setup

Being able to measure your bike is important no matter if your bike fits perfectly or not at all.https://youtu.be/GDlqMaawIXcIf your bike fits perfectly, having accurate measurements of the setup will make it much simpler if you decide to change a part, like the handlebars.If your bike fits terribly, you're likely going to want to experiment with your position by making some changes.  Measurements will make the experimentation process much simpler.  I have a lot of clients who have been struggling with their fit for a while before they come to see me, and on of the things that finally convinces them to come in for a bike fit is that they have completely lost track of what changes they've made.  If you have accurate numbers to begin with, you will always have a fall-back point and will be less likely to lose your place.Couple of key points to keep in mind:

  1. This is by no means a comprehensive set of bike measurements.  But it is, in my opinion, the best, simple way to be able to replicate your position should you need to.
  2. There's more than one correct way to complete these measurements.  Find what works best for you and just be consistent -- measure your bike this way every time.

Let me know what you think of this video.  Do you have any measurements you like to take?  Reach out to me and shoot me an email about this topic.  Or reach out on social media at the links above.