3 Back Exercises for Cyclists


Something as simple as these three back exercises for cyclists can undo a lot of the stress we place on our spine when we ride.  They can also help us fit our bkes better by reducing imbalances.password: backhttps://vimeo.com/170810482

The 3 Back Exercises for Cyclists

1. POE-Cobra

Both of these are simple and just geared toward inducing some extension into the spine

2. Sidelying rotation

This is great for anyone that has even a mild scoliotic curve -- and there are a lot of us out there.  Can be as simple as someone who moves easier to one side.  Test by beginning in seated cross-legged position with a pipe, tube, or broom stick across your shoulders.  Sit up straight and turn to each side -- the broom stick will make it very apparent if you move farther one direction.back exercises for cyclistsIf you move less to the left, then begin by lying on your right side, knees bent slightly.  Bring the top leg (left in this case) into more hip flexion -- begin just past 90 degrees.  Then keeping your lower body still, let your lower shoulder (right) pull forward as you rotate your torso up toward the ceiling.  Tuck the left arm behind you and place this hand on the ground by your right hip.  Now just hold this position for 3 minutes.Bonus: boost the usefulness of this exercise by reaching with your lower arm (right in this case) directly up toward the ceiling -- you'll feel the abdominals on that side engage and this is a great way to get those muscles working better again since they will be somewhat inhibited by the range of motion restriction --  because you don't often turn this deeply into the range.

3. Hip Flexor

I know what you're saying -- why am I including a hip stretch in a group of low back exercises?  In this case the hip muscle in question (the hip flexor) has a couple large attachments -- first to the inside of the pelvis, but more importantly to the front side of our lower lumbar spine.  Tight hip flexors will pull the spine forward.back exercises for cyclistsThis is my favorite variation:Begin in half kneeling with the forward foot placed a good distance away.  Keep your torso upright and lean forward so that you are bending the front knee.  Don't go as far as you can, but stop when you get a small stretch on the front of the opposite leg.  Then tighten your abdominal as if you're trying to flatten your low back -- this will cause the stretch on the front of the hip to increase.  Hold for 30 seconds.