A Level Bike Seat? What you should know about your saddle


Is a level bike seat necessary? Usually this is the case, but check out this video on why you might not set your saddle up this way:https://youtu.be/53vbdNrkev0

  • Having a level bike seat is usually the case but can't live and die by this rule -- level doesn't always mean level
  • Selle SMP, fizik tail up, ism all get set up in some variation of what might be considered tilted.
  • is it level when we sit on it? Most of the time we're leveling off the bike, but when we add our body weight to any saddle it will change its position
    • Next we have to consider the saddle itself and how it's built
    • More mobile it is then level becomes a fluid thing
    • Magnified by squishy saddles as I mentioned
  • Also changes with where you're clamped on the seatpost -- more forward or back and the saddle will flex preferentially to one direction forward or back

 Saddle should be level....Or should it? | What's the correct saddle tilt?Bicycle saddle tilt, whether it should be nose up or nose down or level, is something that a lot of the cyclists I see have struggled with.So what angle should the saddle be at? Well, it''ll depend on the type of saddle, and how it's positioned on the seatpost.