Solving Cycling Knee Pain - Introduction

Thank you for downloading our module on solving knee pain on the bike. This educational primer is going to be oriented to allow anyone reading it -- no matter whether you have very little knowledge about bicycles or you’re a bike fitter looking to advance your skills and understanding -- to be able to assess what tissue is causing your knee pain, what possible bike fit adjustments are most likely to help, as well as learn off the bike exercises to continue to work on the root problem.[wlm_paypalps_btn name="Knee Pain 1 Product" sku="1B6A0F1638" btn="pp_buy:s"]

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What’s included:

There will be sections that will explore what a rider can expect to see and feel on themselves as they pedal.  For instance, if you’re having knee pain in a certain spot then - what other areas of the body are likely to give you trouble as well and what physical sensations might you be having? These are all geared toward helping you zero in on finding the correct problem so that you can solve it.Also, there will be measurements delineated very clearly explaining what joint angles should be during the pedal stroke as it relates to your area of pain or discomfort.  If you’ve never done a bike fit, but would still like to check your own fit against these bike fit parameters I have a free multi-part educational series that walks you step by step through a DIY video bike fit.  You can do all or just the parts that apply to your bike discomfort issues to add a layer of certainty to fixing the problem.In this book we’re going to explore the simple as well as some of the complex causes and help you try to figure out what the causes of your pain are.  Of course this module can’t be fully comprehensive -- there’s no substitute for a complete bike fit done by a professional with a background in human movement and biomechanics, nor is this intended to take the place of visits to see your physical therapist.  But it will dip into areas that are often not addressed by many bike fitters, and the exercises you’ll see are almost never a part of a standard bike fit.This program is intended to help you solve your knee problems and in the process learn a lot about yourself and how you move on and of the bike.  Disclaimer:  This module is by no means a medical text and should never be used as a substitute for seeing a medical practitioner.  The purpose of it is to provide a learning environment for athletes and bike fitters to better manage strain to the knee joint.  If you are experiencing severe knee pain, or if your knee pain exists off the bike as well, a trip to your doctor or PT is probably warranted.  This module is about prevention and addressing knee pain seen on the bike before it advances into a more problematic issue.  Red flags would be: swelling, significant knee pain off the bike, having to frequently use anti-inflammatories or pain pills to mitigate the discomfort, pain severe enough to make you limp once you’re off the bike.Next Up: Bike Fitting's Basic Rules[wlm_paypalps_btn name="Knee Pain 1 Product" sku="1B6A0F1638" btn="pp_buy:s"]



Bike Fitting's Basic Rules

Tissues Involved

Bike Fit Fixes

Real World Example Bike Fit #1

Real World Example Bike Fit #2

Real World Example Bike Fit #3


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