4 Signs that your Bike Seat Discomfort has nothing to do with the Saddle

The first thing that everyone jumps to when they have bike seat discomfort is to ditch their current seat and find that one perfect saddle that's going to solve all of their problems. Unfortunately this is rarely successful because in so many instances bike seat discomfort comes from some other aspect of the bike fit rather than a structural problem with the saddle itself. Here are four signs and symptoms from other areas of the body that might clue you in to the real culprit of your saddle pains.https://youtu.be/DKmr6Qep3gU

Bike Seat Discomfort can happen if:

  • you catch yourself continually sliding forward and having to push yourself back on the saddle
    • this is a good clue that your pelvis isn't stable on the seat
      • perhaps due to an improper reach or saddle tilt
  • you have hand pressure and numbness on the bike as well
    • if your reach isn't set right (too long/low or too short/high) this can place a disproportionate amount of weight on the hands
  • your knees hurt
    • knee pain is often associated with having a low saddle but anything that decreases the amount of weight we're on the feet (which a low saddle does) can cause saddle discomfort
      • less weight on the feet = more weight on the seat
  • you have foot/toe pain, numbness, and hotspots (Achilles and calf irritation too!)
    • poor cleat placement is the most common culprit here and again the amount of weight borne by the feet plays a central role
    • but incorrect saddle height (too low or too high) can be a factor

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