One-sided sit bone pain? Bike Fit Viewer question

Recently I had a viewer ask me if I had ever had a client complain of sit bone pain but only on one side? Initially this may seem odd -- we are sitting on our butt on the bike seat, why wouldn't both sides be affected all the time? Well, it turns out that there are a couple reasons for this and uneven or one-sided sit bone pain actually happens a lot.

One-sided Sit Bone Pain? What gives?

  • Unbeknownst to many, most cyclists don'ts sit square on their saddle
    • they either sit with one hip (and sit bone) further forward or with one hip off to one side of the saddle, or both

sit bone pain

  • this off-kilter sitting leads to uneven movement of the pelvis over the saddle
    • moderate side to side movement is normal, but when we're not straight on the seat, this motion can be more diagonal
  • when we're trying to generate power this way it can create a scenario that in order to provide more stability through the pelvis so that we have a somewhat stable base we're pushing from, we bear more weight through one sit bone which leads to one-sided discomfort
  • How do we manage this?
    • there are some bike fit fixes to address this to a small degree
    • but the main thing to understand is that this uneven sitting stems from the fact that we all have small imbalances throughout our bodies in stability, strength, and flexibilty
    • the best course of action is to always be working on our imbalances and short-comings
      • spend a little time figuring out what these issues are and then spend a few minutes every week actively working on them
      • a little work goes a long way -- we don't have to fix our imbalances 100% in order to see benefits
        • if we can make a small amount of progress on them we can see big improvements