Prevent Cycling Injuries | Part 1 Training tips

Prevent Cycling Injuries?

The best way to manage injuries on the bike is to not get them in the first place. This can be easier said than done, but this article and companion video explain seven simple things to do (and not do) in order to increase the likelihood that you stay healthy and free of cycling aches and pains. 

  • Get a good bike fit
  • Avoid large changes in duration and intensity on the bike
  • Set basic goals for your training
    • this will help you periodize or break up your rides into different focuses which will vary the intensity and duration and keep you fresh
  • Intervals can help preent cycling injuries
    • they mix up the effort
    • it makes you more resilient
    • they allow you to fit your bike better
  • Take rest days
  • Manage your weaknesses
    • address aches and pains early
    • pay attention to your problem areas with a little more focus as you ride
  • Get off the bike - do some weight-bearing activity
    • weights, jogging, jump rope, plyometrics, etc

There are lots more things to do to prevent cycling injuries, so if you think of one, put it in the comments below or in the comments in the video. The next video and article will be on what you can do from a recovery standpoint to help stave off injuries